This assignment is NOT mandatory, but for those who wish to add to their music grade. Simply completing this assignment does not add to your grade. What is really of importance is the quality of your work. Below are a few pointers to help you.
Choose a person or genre of music we have not studied in class. (check with me once you have made a selection).
You may choose the format of the factoid sheets that you have in your binders, or you may choose to write in paragraph form. Either way you should include the following:
Biographical information such as, place of birth, family background, education.
Influences on the person’s life or type of music presented.
How was the music or composer received by the public?
Special recognition or awards granted the composer.
Choose an excerpt from YouTube that you can present to the class as an example of the composer, instrument or kind of music.
Most importantly, explain why you feel this composer or genre of music is important.
Give 2 sources of information. In addition to your computer, there are books in the Lower School library to help you. Mrs. Conlin is a great source for research. USE NOODLETOOLS TO CITE YOUR SOURCES AND THEN EXPORT FOR MS. MOORE
DUE DATE – THURSDAY, JANUARY 13, no exceptions. This is a Q2 assignment. If you need help, don’t hesitate to ask me.