Your task: You and your partner(s) will create a “Horrible Histories” sketch about a person or event of one of our ancient civilizations that we have studied.
Choose a person or event from our ancient civilizations studies
Research that person or event
At least 2 additional sources not including our history text
Create a bibliography for the sources
Create a storyboard or plan for your sketch
Write your script
Film your project (Title & Bibliography included)
Tuesday, May 18-choose partner(s) and topic/ begin research
Tuesday, May 18-Thursday, May 27-Research & begin storyboard and script
Wednesday, June 2-complete storyboard & script
Wednesday, June 2 - Friday, June 4-Film and edit presentation
Monday, June 7 -present to class
Requirements & grading:
Notecards with facts about topic due Thursday, May 27 30%
Bibliography due Thursday, May 27 10%
Storyboard due Wednesday, June 2 20%
Script due Wednesday, June 2 20%
Group work 10%
Presentation due Monday, June 7 10%
Due Date: Monday, June 7