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C Form: Research Set Up: Home

February 2022

Digital Resources


Day 1

1. Open NoodleTools

2. Login with Google

3. Create new student account with graduation year

4. Click + New Project

5. Choose "Chicago Style" and "Beginner"

6. Name your project "Practice Project"

7. Click + New Project

8. Choose "Chicago Style" and "Beginner"

9. Name your project "BHM"

Day 2

1. Login to NoodleTools with Google

2. Open The African American Experience

3. Search for "Martin Luther King Jr" (Spelling MATTERS, capitalization does not)

4. Choose any article

5. Click "cite"

6. Click "Noodle Tools"

7. Make sure you are adding to "Practice Project"

8. Click "Import References"

9. You're done!


Day 3:

1. Choose any "Who Was" book from the biography shelf.

2. Login to NoodleTools with Google

2. Click on "Practice Project"

3. Click "+New Source"

4. Click "Print or In-Hand"

5. Click "book"

6. Next to ISBN, enter the number near the barcode that is used to purchase the book

7. Click "search"

8. Click on the title box so that it turns blue

9. Click on "Import Selected Source" (you may have to scroll down)

10. Click "Continue"

11. Click "Save" (Top right)


Day 4:

1. Log in to NoodleTools with Google

2. Make sure that you are in "Practice Project"

3. Click the printer icon

4. Click "Print/export to Google Docs"

5. Click "Submit"

6. Add your Name, Homeroom and date to the top

7. Print to "LS Library" (to find, just type "LS" and it should come up"


You are finished with your practice project! Use these skills to do your Black History Month Project and you must use NoodleTools to keep track of your sources!